The Way Gospel
of Jesus the Christ
Directory VII of VII
Chapters 181-182
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Return to Preface
Directory I - Chapters 1-30
Directory II - Chapters 31-60
Directory III - Chapters 61-90
Directory IV - Chapters 91-120
Directory V - Chapters 121-150
Directory VI - Chapters 151-180
Establishment of the Christine Church
The eleven apostles make choice of Matthias to fill the place made vacant by the defection of Judas. The Christines are glad. Miriam sings a song of praise. Apostolic roster.
Events of the day of Pentecost. Endowment of the Apostles. The Christine Church is established. Peter preaches the introductory sermon. The sermon. Three thousand people are baptised and become members of the church. Ref: Chapter 60.
Directory I - Chapters 1-30
Directory II - Chapters 31-60
Directory III - Chapters 61-90
Directory IV - Chapters 91-120
Directory V Chapters 121-150
Directory VI Chapters 151-180
Thus Ends the
Gospel of The Way
of Jesus The Christ.
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