The Way Gospel
of Jesus the Christ
Directory I of VII
Chapters 1-30
Directory III - Chapters 61-90
Directory IV - Chapters 91-120
Directory V - Chapters 121-150
Directory VI - Chapters 151-180
Directory VII - Chapters 181-182
Birth and Early Life of Mary, Mother of Jesus
Palestine. Birth of Mary, Joachim's feast. Mary is blessed by the priests. His prophecy. Mary abides in the Temple. Is betrothed to Joseph.
Birth and Infancy of John: the Harbinger, and of Jesus
Zacharias and Elizabeth. Prophetic messages of Gabriel to Zacharias, Elizabeth and Mary. Birth of John. Prophecy of Zacharias.
Education of Mary and Elizabeth in Zoan.
{*The Foundation of the Jewish and Christian Faiths.
Eastern and Middle-Eastern schools of spiritual enlightenment.}
Archelaus reigns. Mary and Elizabeth with their sons are in Zoan and are taught by Elihu and Salome. Elihu's introductory lesson. Tells of an interpreter.
Elihu's lessons. The unity of life. The two selfs. The devil. Love the saviour of men. The David of the light. Goliath of the dark.
Salome's lessons. The man and the woman. Philosophy of human moods. The triune God. The Septonate. The God Tao.
Elihu's lessons. The Brahmic religion. Life of Abram. Jewish sacred books. The Persian religion.
Elihu's lessons. Buddhism and the precepts of Buddha. The mysteries of Egypt.
Salome's lessons. Prayer. Elihu's concluding lessons. Sums up the three years' course of study. The pupils return to their homes.
Childhood and Early Education of John the Harbinger.
{*Doctrine of Universal Law.}
Elizabeth in Engedi. Teaches her son. John becomes the pupil of Matheno, who reveals to him the meaning of sin and the Law of Forgiveness.
Matheno's lessons. The Doctrine of Universal Law. The power of man to choose and to attain. The benefits of antagonisms. Ancient sacred books. The place of John and Jesus in the world's history.
Death and burial of Elizabeth. Matheno's lessons. The ministry of death. The mission of John. Institution of the rite of baptism. Matheno takes John to Egypt, and places him in the Temple at Sakara, where he remains eighteen years.
Childhood and Early Education of Jesus
The home of Joseph. Mary teaches her son. Jesus' grandparents give a feast in his honour. Jesus has a dream. His grandmother's interpretation. His birthday gift.
Jesus talks with the Rabbi of the Synagogue of Nazareth. He criticizes the narrowness of Jewish thought.
Jesus at a feast in Jerusalem. Is grieved by the cruelties of the sacrificers. Appeals to Hillel, who sympathises with him. He remains in the Temple a year.
Jesus at the age of twelve in the Temple. Disputes with the Doctors of the law. Reads from a book of prophecy. By request of Hillel he interprets the prophecies.
After the feast. The homeward journey. The missing Jesus. The search for him. His parents find him in the Temple. He goes with them to Nazareth. Symbolic meaning of carpenter's tools.
Life and Works of Jesus in India
Ravanna sees Jesus in the Temple and is captivated. Hillel tells him about the boy. Ravanna finds Jesus in Nazareth and gives a feast in his honour. Ravanna becomes patron of Jesus, and takes him to India to study the Brahmic religion.
The friendship of Jesus and Lamaas. Jesus explains to Lamaas the meaning of *Truth: man, power, understanding, wisdom, salvation and faith.
Jesus and Lamaas among the Sudras and visyas. In Benares. Jesus becomes a pupil of Udraka. The lessons of Udraka. {*Laws of Health.}
The Brahmic doctrine of castes. Jesus repudiates it and teaches human equality. The priests are offended and drive him from the Temple. He abides with the Sudras and teaches them. {*Justice and Equality}
Jesus teaches the Sudras and farmers. Relates a parable of a nobleman and his unjust sons. Makes known the possibilities of all men. {*Justice and Equality continued.}
Jesus at Katak. The car of Jagannath. Jesus reveals to the people the emptiness of Brahmic rites, and how to see God in man*. Teaches them the {*Universal} Divine Law of Sacrifice. - {*The Way.}
Jesus attends a feast in Behar. Preaches a revolutionary sermon on human equality*. Relates the parable of the broken blades*.
Udraka gives a feast in Jesus' honour. Jesus speaks on the unity of {*Universal} God and the brotherhood of life*. Criticises the Priesthood. Becomes the guest of a farmer.
Ajainin, a Priest from Lahore, comes to Benares to see Jesus, and abides in the Temple. Jesus refuses an invitation to visit the Temple. Ajainin visits him at night in the farmer's home, and accepts his philosophy. [* The Lower Self, Universal Love, Brotherhood. Details a spiritual conversion experience.]
Jesus receives news of the death of his father. He writes a letter to his mother. The letter*. He sends it on its way by a merchant. [*The importance here is in the intimate relationship of Jesus with his Mother.]
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Directory IV - Chapters 91-120 Directory V - Chapters 121-150
Directory VI - Chapters 151-180 Directory VII - Chapters 181-182
Those chapters marked with * have messages of special note. In some chapters, the individual passages are marked. In other chapters, the entire chapter is of note. Please use these * as search points for the spiritual teachings of Jesus, and the commentaries from the Director. (Sometimes the Rev. is not reverent.) -Webmaster.
{ I agree entirely. But, I don't miss much. :-] jlfdd-Ed.}