Directory III - Chapters 61-90
Directory IV - Chapters 91-120
Directory V - Chapters 121-150
Directory VI - Chapters 151-180
Directory VII - Chapters 181-182
Brahmic Priests are enraged because of Jesus' teaching and resolve to drive him from India.
Lamaas pleads for him. Priests employ a murderer to kill him. Lamaas warns him and he
flees to Nepal.
Jesus teaches the common people at a spring. Tells them how to
attain unto happiness. {* Spiritual joys of work. Heaven and Hell.} *V. 3-10. Here we have a beautiful lesson on work turning into
Heaven. Definition of Heaven. Is this another reference to reincarnation? *V. 21-5. See
"The Way" Project for further discussion. {This link is good only
within SFIU.} Relates the parable of the rocky field and the hidden
The Jubilee in Kapavistu. Jesus teaches in the plaza and the people
are astonished. He relates the parable of the unkept vineyard and the
vine dresser. The Priests are angered by his words.
Jesus and Vidyapati consider the needs of the incoming age of the
world. [ * Every man called to be a "Priest". ]
Directory I Chapters 1-30
Directory III Chapters 61-90
Jesus and Barata. Together they read the sacred books. Jesus takes
exception to the Buddhist doctrine of evolution and reveals the true
origin of man. {* Ref: Genesis. This chapter is very important for Students.} Meets Vidyapati, who becomes his co- labourer.
Life and Works of Jesus in Tibet and Western India
Jesus in L{*h}assa. He meets Meng-ste who aids him in reading the
ancient manuscripts. He goes to Ladak. Heals a child. Relates the
parable of the king's son.
Jesus is presented with a camel. He goes to Lahore where he abides
with Ajainin, whom he teaches. [ * Reincarnation. The Universal Law
of * giving. ] Lesson of the wandering musicians. Jesus resumes his
Life and Works of Jesus in Persia
Jesus crosses Persia. Teaches and heals in many places. Three Magian Priests meet him
as he nears Persepolis. Kaspar, and two other Persian masters, meet him in Persepolis.
The seven masters sit in silence seven days.
Jesus attends a feast in Persepolis. Speaks to the people, reviewing
the Magian philosophy.
Explains the origin of evil. Spends the night in prayer.
Jesus teaches the Magians. Explains the Silence and how to enter it*.
{ *Light, Wisdom, Love and Power; within the soul. From the Holy
Spirit.} Kaspar extols the wisdom of Jesus. Jesus teaches in the
groves of Cyrus.
Jesus stands by a healing fountain. Reveals the fact that faith is the
potent factor in healing and many are healed by faith*. A little child
teaches a great lesson of faith*.
Life and Works of Jesus in Assyria
Jesus bids the Magians farewell. Goes to Assyria. Teaches the people
in Ur of Chaldea. Meets Ashbina, with whom he visits many towns and
cities, teaching and healing the sick.
Jesus and Ashbina visit Babylon and remark its desolation. The two masters remain in
company seven days; then Jesus resumes his homeward journey. Arrives in Nazareth.
His mother gives a feast in his honour. His brothers are displeased. Jesus tells his mother
and aunt the story of his journeys.
Life and Works of Jesus in Greece
Jesus visits Greece and is welcomed by the Athenians. Meets Apollo.
Addresses the Grecian masters in the Amphitheatre. The address.
Jesus teaches the Greek masters. Goes with Apollo to Delphi and hears the Oracle speak.
It testifies for him. He abides with Apollo, and is recognised as the living Oracle of God.
Explains to Apollo the phenomenon of oracular speech.
A storm on the sea. Jesus rescues many drowning men. The Athenians pray to idols.
Jesus rebukes their idolatry and tells how God helps. His last meeting with the Greeks.
Sails on the vessel Mars.
Life and Works of Jesus in Egypt
Jesus with Elihu and Salome in Egypt. Tells the story of his journeys.
Elihu and Salome praise God. Jesus goes to the Temple in Heliopolis
and is received as a pupil.
Jesus receives from the Hierophant his mystic name and number.
Passes the first brotherhood test, and receives his first degree,
Jesus passes the second brotherhood test, and receives the second
degree, JUSTICE.
Jesus passes the third brotherhood test, and receives the third
degree, FAITH.
Jesus passes the fourth brotherhood test, and receives the fourth
Jesus spends forty days in the Temple groves. Passes the fifth
brotherhood test and receives the fifth degree, HEROISM.
Jesus passes the sixth brotherhood test and receives the sixth
degree, LOVE DIVINE. {*Much conjecture has passed regarding
Jesus personal relationships with members of "the fair sex".
Here is corroboration He was indeed human, and Divine.}
Jesus becomes a private pupil of the Hierophant and is taught the
mysteries of Egypt. In passing the seventh test, he works in the
Chamber of the Dead.
Jesus passes the seventh brotherhood test, and in the purple room
of the Temple receives the seventh, the highest degree, THE CHRIST.
He leaves the Temple a conqueror.
The Council of the Seven Sages of the World
The Seven Sages of the world meet in Alexandria. The purposes of
the meeting. The opening addresses.
Meeting of the Sages, continued. Opening addresses. Seven days'
Meeting of the Sages, continued. Presentation of the seven Universal
Postulates *.
Meeting of the Sages, continued. The remaining Postulates * . The
Sages bless Jesus. Seven days' silence.
Jesus addresses the Seven Sages. The address.
{ *The Universal Church as planned by Jesus. Cross Ref:
Chapter 182.}
Jesus goes to Galilee.
Directory IV Chapters 91-120
Directory V Chapters 121-150
Directory VI - Chapters 151-180
Directory VII - Chapters 181-182