The Way Gospel
of Jesus the Christ
Directory VI of VII
Chapters 151-180
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Return to Preface
Directory I - Chapters 1-30
Directory II - Chapters 31-60
Directory III - Chapters 61-90
Directory IV - Chapters 91-120
Directory V - Chapters 121-150
Directory VII - Chapters 181-182
Jesus teaches in the synagogue. Makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The multitudes, with the children, sing his praises, and say, Hosanna to the king! The Christines return to Bethany.
Jesus rebukes a barren fig tree. Drives the merchants out of the Temple. Teaches the people. Returns to Bethany.
The Christines go to Jerusalem. They note the withered fig tree; its symbolic meaning. Jesus teaches in the Temple. Is censured by the priests. Relates a parable of a rich man's feast.
Jesus teaches in the Temple court *. The parable of the householder and wicked husbandmen. Parable of the marriage feast and the guest without a wedding robe.
Jesus recognises the justice of paying secular taxes. He teaches a lesson on family relationships in the life beyond*. The greatest of the commandments is comprised in love*. He warns his disciples against the hypocrisy of scribes and Pharisees.
The scribes and Pharisees are angered. Jesus rebukes them for their hypocrisy. He laments over Jerusalem. The widows's mite. Jesus delivers his farewell address to the people in the Temple.
The Christines upon Mount Olives. Jesus prophesys the destruction of Jerusalem, [by Rome*] and of terrible disasters that will mark the conclusion of the age. He exhorts his disciples to faithfulness.
Jesus and the twelve at prayer in Olivet. Jesus reveals to his disciples the deeper meanings of secret doctrines. He tells them what to teach the people. Relates a number of parables. They return to Bethany.
The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
The Christines attend a feast in Simon's house. Mary anoints the master with a costly balm, and Judas and others rebuke her for profligacy. Jesus defends her. The rulers of the Jews employ Ananias to arrest Jesus. Ananias bribes Judas to aid him.
Jesus and the twelve eat the passover alone in Nicodemus' house. Jesus washes the disciples' feet. Judas leaves the table and goes forth to betray the Lord. Jesus teaches the eleven. He institutes the Lord's supper.
Jesus teaches the eleven. [ *Is this a new commandment?] Tells them that they will all be estranged from him, and that Peter will deny him thrice before the morning. He speaks final words of encouragement. Promises the Comforter.
Jesus reveals more fully the mission of the Holy Breath. Tells his disciples plainly that he is about to die, and they are sad. He prays for them and all the world of believers. They leave the banquet hall.
Jesus visits Pilate, who urges him to flee from the country to save his life. Jesus refuses to do so. He meets his disciples in Massalian's orchard.
A last lesson to His Disciples, explaining the Triune God. *V. 31-33.
Gives His three most responsible Disciples spiritual gifts. *V. 43
The scene in Gethsemane. [*The Prayer of Gethsemane] *V. 49, 54, 57.
The Jewish mob led by Judas appears.
Judas betrays his Lord with a kiss. Jesus is seized by the mob and the disciples flee to save their lives. Jesus is taken unto Jerusalem, Peter and John follow the mob.
The Trial and Execution of Jesus
Jesus before Caiaphas. Peter denies his Lord thrice. The indictment, signed by seven ruling Jews. A hundred perjured witnesses testify to the truth of the charges.
Jesus before the Sanhedrim. Nicodemus pleads for justice; he shows the incompetency of the witnesses. The council fail to declare Jesus guilty, but Caiaphas, the presiding judge, declares him guilty. The mob maltreat Jesus. He is taken to Pilate's court.
Jesus before Pilate. Is pronounced not guilty. Jesus before Herod and is tortured and returned to Pilate, who again declares him innocent. The Jews demand his death. Pilate's wife urges her husband to have nothing to do with the punishment of Jesus. Pilate weeps.
Pilate's final effort to release Jesus fails. *He washes his hands in feigned innocence. Delivers Jesus to the Jews for execution. The Jewish soldiers drive him to Calvary.
Judas is filled with remorse. Hurries to the Temple and throws the thirty pieces of silver at the feet of the priests who take it and buy a potter's field. Judas hangs himself. His body is buried in the potter's field.
The crucifixion. Jesus prays for his murderers. Pilate puts an inscription above the cross. Jesus speaks words of encouragement to the penitent thief. Commits to John the care of his mother and Miriam. The soldiers divide his garments among themselves.
Concluding scenes of the crucifixion*. Joseph and Nicodemus, by consent of Pilate, take the body of Jesus from the cross and lay it in Joseph's tomb. A guard of one hundred Jewish soldiers are placed about the sepulchre.
The Resurrection of Jesus
Pilate places the Roman seal upon the stone door of the tomb. At mid-night a company of the *silent brothers march about the tomb. The soldiers are alarmed. Jesus preaches to the spirits in prison. Early Sunday morning he rises from the tomb. The soldiers are bribed by the priests to say that the disciples had stolen the body.
Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus
Jesus appears, fully materialised, to his mother, Miriam, Mary of Magdala and to Peter, James and John.
Jesus appears, fully materialised, to Zachus and Cleophas as they journey to Emmaus, but they know him not. He tells them many things about Christ. He eats the evening meal with them, and reveals himself to them. They go to Jerusalem and tell the news.
Jesus appears, fully materialised to the ten apostles in Simon's house, and to Lazarus and his sisters.
Jesus appears, fully materialised, to the eastern sages in the palace of Prince Ravanna in India. To the Magian priests in Persia. The three wise men speak in praise of the personality of the Nazarene.
Jesus appears, fully materialised, in the Temple in Jerusalem. Rebukes the rulers of the Jews for their hypocrisy. Reveals himself to them and they fall back in fear. He appears to the Apostles in Simon's house. Thomas is convinced.
Jesus appears, fully materialised, before Apollo and the Silent Brotherhood in Greece. Appears to Claudia and Juliet on the Tiber near Rome. Appears to the priest in the Egyptian Temple at Heliopolis.
Jesus appears, fully materialised, to the Apostles at the sea of Galilee. Appears to a multitude of people. Tells his apostles to go again to Jerusalem and he would meet them there.
Jesus appears, fully materialised, to the apostles in Jerusalem. Gives them his instructions. * Promises them a special endowment for their work on Pentecost. Goes to Mount Olives and in full view of many disciples ascends to heaven. The disciples return to Jerusalem.
Directory I - Chapters 1-30
Directory II - Chapters 31-60
Directory III - Chapters 61-90
Directory IV - Chapters 91-120
Directory V Chapters 121-150
Directory VII Chapters 181-182
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