In MemoriamMentor,
Teacher, Child of God, Rev. Kirby J. Hensley, DD.Universal
Life Church, International. |
Graduate Degree Programs Offered by SFIU
No. | Credit Hrs. | Program Title |
I | 25 | Metaphysics Program SCHOOL OF MINISTRY |
SFIU offers a Program in Metaphysics.
It is an experiential study of the basis for the physical.
[Meta = Mind. Physics = Universal Reality].
For those with a solid background, this is an entry level course.
The Way Gospel is a requirement for graduation and a pre-requisite for this Program.
The minimum for The Way Gospel completion is one year, with flexible scheduling.
This Program should take another one year minimum.
Required for Ministerial Students in Graduate, Masters and Doctorate Programs.
This Program is available for a Donation of $25.00 US, plus fees and materials.
No. | Credit Hrs. | Program Title |
II | 25 | Bible Studies Program SCHOOL OF MINISTRY |
A very comprehensive study of the Bible.
Other Bibles, including The Way Gospel of Jesus the Christ, KJV, The Aramaic in Peshitta and Khabouris; and proficiency translating the Aramaic language, is a requirement for Ministerial Students Graduation.
This Program is by Dissertation.
It is a minimum one year in duration.
A requirement for Ministerial Students.
Upon completion of this Program, a Certificate is awarded for a Donation of $25.00 US plus fees and materials.
No. Credit Hrs. Program Title
III 25 Prayer and Meditation Program.
SCHOOL OF MINISTRYThis Program is concerned with spiritual prayer and meditation.
This helps you focus your abilities of attunement and awareness to the Love of God.
Experiential Seminars are planned on Prayer and Meditation techniques from all cultures.
It is a minimum 6 month program.
Dissertation is required.
We recommend this as an entry level course, Available for a Donation of $25.00 US plus fees and materials.
No. Credit Hrs. Program Title
IV 25 Conversations with God
SCHOOL OF MINISTRYThis Course is well-known world-wide with study groups in most locales. For those with a solid spiritual background, this is an entry level course. The Internet has several on-line study groups for discussion and feed-back with other Students. It is an elective for future studies and Graduation from the School of Ministry.
Many Students report very positive changes in their lives from this Program.
All will be conducted by E-Mail, Chat and Home Study.
The Course is free. The three books are not free. Plus fees and materials.
No. Credit Hrs. Program Title
V 25 Computer Language For The Internet
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThis is a favorite for all Ministers who desire to stay on top of the Internet world. HTML [ Hyper Text Markup Language ] is very easy to learn, and it is the basic language for all pages you see on the Internet. If you can bake a cake and/or follow directions; with a logical approach, you can do this. Besides, it's very creative. If your direction is Administration or Business, this would make a good entry level course. Includes design and Computer elements for your own Web Site.
We need those who would help us on Work Programs, which will reduce your fees. Besides, it is highly creative, and a lot of pure fun. Work Study Students will be presented this very marketable skill gratis, with credit granted toward graduation.
The time element depends upon the Student. Completion will be the design of your own web site for school or business.
FlexEd, the very powerful Australian HTML Editor Software which designed this web-site; and other software are available to you. If you want to help the Director, here's your chance. - Webmaster
It is an Elective, but highly recommended. All others who are not work study, we require $25.00 US Donation plus fees and materials. 25 Credit Hours.
No. Credit Hrs. Program Title
VI 25 World Mystical Traditions
SCHOOL OF MINISTRYWe may learn much from those spiritual
Teachers and Saints who have gone before.This site is a comparison study of the Mystical tradition across all major religions. Included is the writings of Father Thomas Merton and other Catholic Saints. Buddhist Mysticism is also studied, with an emphasis on Lao Tse and Zen.
It is a mere beginning. Research the subject until you can teach it; from any culture on earth. Be as objective as possible, then do your dissertation.
Recommended for Student historical and cultural background.
A requirement for Ministerial Students in the Graduate Programs.
Discussion and materials via Internet communications. $25.00 and 25 Credit Hours, plus fees and materials.
No. Credit Hrs. Program Title
VII 25 The Business of School and Ministry SCHOOL OF MINISTRY
Here's the one you Students have been waiting for. This Program is taught personally by the Founder.
The Program deals with how to setup your School and Business elements of your Ministry. It includes concepts in business and marketing from a spiritual view.
The Founder brings 25+ years as a Small Business Consultant and Minister Teacher to this program.
You will learn insider secrets which would cost you thousands from any other source. It is discussion and application.
This is a requirement for those who have signed up for the Administrative Business Program. An elective for those who desire to go on to their own Ministries but not a School of their own.
25 Credit hours. The time period is flexible for individual needs, but not to exceed one year. $25.00 plus fees and materials.
No. Credit Hrs. Program Title
VIII 25 Aramaic and Hebrew Studies Program SCHOOL OF MINISTRY
Since you will be studying the everyday language of Jesus, the Christ; it behooves you to learn to read what He said, and how He said it. This will be a labor of love. Being able to 'stand in his shoes' is an experience none will soon forget. You will know Him in a way which is far more intimate than most.
This is a one year program, and a requirement for all those in School of Ministry.
25 Credit Hours. $25 US. Plus fees and materials
No. Credit Hrs. Program Title
7 200 7 Total Total
Here's the formula for figuring your donation: Amount of the Program plus the FLAT FEE per month of $30.00 US and/or $365 US per annum in addition to those material expenses.
For instance, a $25 Donation for a Program plus the FLAT FEE per month=$25 plus $360 or $365 per year for that Program. So, we have a total of $385 or $390 US per year for that Program plus books and materials. This averages out to $1 and change per day. Most Internet SFIU based programs will not have books and materials, only Internet access charges. I challenge you to get a better deal for an education of this quality anywhere. Only our low overhead keeps the costs manageable to you.
You may elect to take two programs per year, but my suggestion is that you should not. That is a terrific class load, especially if you are working besides going to SFIU. Be gentle with ourself, and enjoy the experience. You're still looking at a standard 4-6 year program of 150 hours. I simplified this, as you can see. Those in Business Administration have a lighter load of 100 hours, but more actual experience. No matter the program, you will have earned your degree.
A word about accreditation, and transfer of credits to other institutions. We are truly breaking new ground, and our acceptance by an international accrediting agency will be hard won, but is in process. Most of what you see here is normally presented under supervision and in a physical building. Hang in there and work with us. You will not regret it. That is my pledge to you. You are pioneers, in the truest sense. Education of this type is one of the few frontiers left.
If you wish to transfer credits from your former institution to here, this will depend upon your studies at the former institutions. Those who are compatible will be transferred, else the incoming student will make up the courses not taken at the former institution. This will be decided on an individual basis, not by formula. We do not believe in handicapping you.
Upon our 'official' accreditation, your credits from another source could be transferrable. See this link for details.
Graduate Students will be Ordained as Ministers of God via U.S. Mailed Correspondence when you and the Director agree you have the calling, after Graduation. This special dispensation affirms Graduate Students will pursue their calling while studying for the Spiritual Masters and Spiritual Doctorate Programs, or will open their own Ministries - without benefit of Doctorate studies needed for teaching.
Those who do not desire further studies or wish to be Ordained with their Fellows will be Ordained and Awarded upon Graduation.
This is a major milestone in your life, and should be regarded accordingly. Prayer and Divine Guidance should be requested.
A printed Certificate suitable for framing is Awarded.
Spiritual Masters and Doctorate Programs
Spiritual Masters and Spiritual Doctorate Programs by SFIU are by advanced application and approval based on Graduate performance. This approval will be awarded by agreement of Teachers, Counselors and the Director.
They are by Thesis only.
Counseling by the Director is required for Subject Thesis.
Although suggested subjects are present in our Student Resources Page, other subjects will be considered, but must be approved.
For those who have not been involved on this level, you are trusted to complete the research and written Thesis without supervision.
However, guidance will be guaranteed by the personal commitment of all Teachers, Counselors; and of course - me - the Director.
Duration is a minimum one year period; up to and including four years; as necessary.
These are very intense, comprehensive scholarship projects. Your success is our success. You will be proud of yourself, after completion, but of utmost importance is your personal spiritual enlightenment; that you may share with others and continue the ancient tradition of the Spiritual Masters.
A $100.00 Donation is requested for the Spiritual Masters, and
a $150.00 Donation is requested for the Spiritual Doctorate.This amount covers the very intense involvement of all concerned with our advanced students. You can't imagine the rooting and cheering that goes on around here! You are our best. Nothing is spared that you might succeed, including personal tutoring by me, if necessary.
My usual day is a master juggling act, with too many balls in the air, including me. My E-Mail gets so hot sometimes, I have to use asbestos gloves to turn the computer on. And, if you hear of any comedians who need new material, we'll do that too. Anything legal, moral, ethical and spiritual to help you.
Suggested Program pricing for materials may change unexpectedly. We will pass these along to the Student as they occur. Fees will change per advanced notification.
We are welcome to suggestions for improvements from Students. Please be specific.
Remember: We are providing creative material that all concerned may have the opportunity to fulfill their destiny.
We have no interest in your age, race, orientation; or [sexual] preferences.
Your spiritual orientation would be appreciated that we may best know how to relate to you.
You have to be old enough to legally sign a contract; or have written permission from your legal guardian and/or parent. Young genius is always welcome. Retired persons who want a new career 'on the side' are very welcome. We're looking for a professional attitude; above all else. You also have to Love God, and want to grow closer to Him. Without that, I can almost guarantee you won't finish. How's that for a challenge?
Our material is structured for flexibility. Insights shall take some interesting journeys.
Private tutors are available.
We have a place for the casual part time Student, with Graduate, Masters and Doctorate Level Programs.
150 Credit Hours of Grade Level 75% passing or over are required for Ministerial Graduates into Masters and Doctorate Programs. Casual part time Students may accumulate hours toward Graduate completion as their time and schedules permit.
100 Credit Hours of Grade Level 75% passing or over are required for Business Administration Graduates. Casual part time Students may accumulate hours toward Graduate completion as their time and schedules permit.
Testing will be conducted at unscheduled time periods. Tests are guides. If you spiritually know your material, complications should not arise. In most cases, your written dissertations will serve as tests. There: easy; wasn't it?
We are not here to flunk students. We are here to guide students. Although milestones are reached in each Program, learning never stops, even for those who guide you.
Always be ready for loving guidance in positive applications. I will tell you as a hint that my favorite teaching techniques are question and challenge. I dare everyone to be great! If I didn't like you, I wouldn't dare you. That's my teaching philosophy in a nutshell. It works. It has worked for nearly 25 years. I have no interest whatsoever in hurting your feelings; nor polishing my ego. My joy is when the light of enlightenment dawns upon you.
Being a Teacher for God is the most rewarding experience of my life, next to the challenge of putting this together for you. Balance in all things. Let's share with humor and devotion. Who knows what we might accomplish! Only God, with the Holy Spirit; and my Brother and yours - Jesus, the Christ. They are our teachers, ultimately. Be One with them. They are One with you, in total love.
Thank you for the opportunity to know you. Bless. Peace and Good Will to you; One and All.
Rev. James L. Fabert, DD
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