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{From the Director,
SFIU Accreditation Committee

Dear Applicant, Students and Administrators;

We are an International Internet University, fully automated, and growing. Upon our own attempts at accreditation, we have much sympathy for the problems you have encountered.

We found rather quickly, that accreditation Institutions were oriented toward schools with physical locations. We trust you are have having the same difficulty, or you would not have contacted us.

Therefore, we have assumed the same criteria as NCA, an international accrediting Institution, without the physical plant requirement. We have further improved upon the NCA standard in specific areas where we believe improvement is required, and officially adopted these higher standards. These areas are marked by {} brackets for your information. As a service to you, we have introduced the modified application to accomodate you. Until another Institution catches up to the rapid advance of technology, we will serve as Accreditation Headquarters for you, with your permission.

As Ministers of God, and Internet University Administrators, we have seen the need, and tried to be of service. Please accept these guidelines for your own use. File them with us, if you like; until permanent arrangements can be made. At that point, you may transfer them; with our blessing. You may provide a donation to us for the service if you would like. We know God will Bless you.

If you have any further questions which need clarification, please address them to:

Searcher Foundation Internet University, SFIU
International Standards Chair for
Electronic Institutions of Higher Learning.
} {Ministry}

How to Contact Us

There are five major criteria that specify those policies, procedures, and resources needed by a school to qualify for membership and to initiate and sustain an improvement process. The five criteria are:
  • School Improvement Plan (SIP)
  • Information System (IS)
  • Process of Schooling (PS)
  • Vision, Leadership-Governance, and School Community (VL)
  • Resources and Allocation (RA)
Definition of Schools Qualifying Under These Criteria

An optional school is one that offers students an alternative to the standard elementary or secondary school program. It may be either a public or a nonpublic school. A school designed to meet the educational needs of a particular group of students under very special circumstances also falls under these criteria as a special function school.
An optional school must offer a complete educational program for the students it serves. However, a special function school offering only a partial program may be accredited under these criteria if its particular offerings constitute an integral part of the student's regular elementary or secondary school program, with the remainder of the program being completed elsewhere.
{SFIU is neither elementary nor secondary in nature. It is Global in nature, for all ages, and all cultures who are able to speak English, Spanish, Portugese, French, German. We also have translation capabilities in Aramaic, with no Aramaic speakers as yet. They are being actively recruited, but Aramaic is offcially a 'dead' language. We have access to outside consultants with the Persian Sufis for this purpose.We are adding more teachers in other languages.}
A special function school seeking accreditation under these criteria must specify clearly the special function or unusual circumstances that enjoin a special program for the school. Its students must be selected on the basis of the school's expressed special function and the supporting program for the particular needs of those students.
{See the website for details.}
The school must comply with the established criteria wherever they are applicable to its operation. If the school believes a criterion does not apply to its particular situation, it must explain fully its rationale for that exclusion. The rationale will be subject to the review and approval of the Commission on Schools.
{SFIU is not a special function school, although your criteria come close. SFIU is a private school on a Global level for Minister Teachers, their Researchers and Administrators. I, and many of the Teachers have the authority to Ordain Ministers.} Details of Administration, Policy and Coursework at freely available on our Website as public information. Nothing is hidden, to the best of my knowledge. I maintain very strict ethical guidelines and frequently monitor communications. This is under- stood by all concerned. Any modification in policy will come through me, with the open concurrence of all concerned. We function as equals, not disciplinarians.}
The Commission on Schools shall make the final determination of the eligibility of a school to apply for accreditation under these standards.

{We fit none of your 'standards', except high ethics and self-determinate standards.

We may only be classified by our classification:

We are a private spiritual, not religious University for Ministers, Student Ministers, their Researchers and Administrators.

Our emphasis is not on "Religious" teachings. Universalists are direct Disciples of Christ in the original traditions, not Theologians. Our emphasis is direct scholarship and experience of the same teachings Christ gave his Disciples. At the Crucifixtion, they were called "Christines" as a reference label, not a religion. Christ specifically stated in The Way Gospel we were not ready for a "church", nor religion in His name. We affirm The Way Gospel is the original Gospel of Jesus, the Christ. We hold to that tradition.}


Vision, Mission, and Beliefs; NCA and International Standard and Criteria.

The {International Association} challenges schools to be ready for all learners and to press them to excellence.


NCA and the {International} Association is a dynamic school accreditation and evaluation organization that protects the public trust and is proactive in promoting a system of education that:
  • Enhances student learning and the love of learning.
  • Fosters healthy, creative, and innovative human beings.
  • Prepares students to live and learn in an ever changing and diverse world.
  • Ensures successful schooling transitions for its learners through the provision of standards and evaluation services for schools.


Student success, especially emphasizing improving student performance, represents the unifying theme of the organization's beliefs.

{We at SFIU teach and know from experience the term "Belief" is ego driven and not true. Therefore, we do not hold with "beliefs". We "know" from the Divine Dispensation of the Holy Spirit of God. Only our terminology from our teaching is used to define who we are. Nothing else will do.}

  1. We believe that NCA and International standards and their application will enhance learning.
  2. We believe that children are our greatest resource, and it takes the entire community to provide the highest quality education for them.
  3. We believe that through the leadership of NCA schools will continuously improve.
  4. We believe that the recognition and valuing of diversity and equity are essential for student success.
  5. We believe that the quality of students' school experience is ultimately measured by her/his successful school-to-school (prekindergarten to postsecondary) and school-to-work transitions and by the creation of a desire for lifelong learning.


"Each member school shall maximize the proportion of its promoted or graduated students who are self-directed learners and are prepared to make successful transitions from school-to-school or school-to-work.
" The mission of the {International Standards Association of Schools}, Colleges, Commission on Schools, and Institutions of {International Internet applications} is to ensure excellence in education by holding member schools accountable to rigorous standards and a process of continual improvement.

What We Do

The {International} Commission on Schools accredits distance education, {Internet based}, elementary, foreign nation{al}, high, K-12, middle, postsecondary nondegree granting, special purpose, supplementary education, and trans-regional schools. The Commission accredits schools {Internationally}.

"NCA and International Standard and Criteria for:

SFIU accepts the following criteria:

Credit by Performance: The school establishes guidelines by which credit may be given on a performance basis by means of approved assessments of varying kinds covering the content ordinarily included in a regular school course in the subject. A school also may use assessments as the basis for admission of students with educational experience for which transcripts of credit are not available.

Independent Study Programs: The school may provide planned programs of independent learning in which students need not attend classes a specific amount of time during a semester. In such instances, credit may be granted for satisfactory performance on proficiency examinations or for successful completion of curricular units, steps, or phases established by the school as comprising the equivalency of a unit of work.
{Our University is all "Independent Study". Students must perform without supervision with Dissertations as tests and guides for Student and Staff improvement. Most units of work are flexible to the Student's ability to research and write dissertations on each subject. Some specify the time period necessary. This time period is flexible to the needs and abilities of the Students; which are our baselines for all work accomplished. Each Student may thus work at their individual pace. Fees are paid as donations by the length of time the University provides services.}
Work-Study Programs: Credit may be given provided the program is under the supervision of the school.
{Our work study Programs are primarily in the School of Business Administration. See the Website for details.}
Study Abroad: Students who have attended secondary schools in another country for one or more semesters may have their credits verified by evaluation of their foreign transcript by the principal {Director} or by passing an examination given by a teacher in the school to which they are transferring. The same procedure applies to credits earned through the American Field Service International Program. {These are accepted.}

Credit through Military Experiences: The school may, in accordance with the established policies of the state department of education, grant units of credit towards graduation for the following types of educational experiences received while in military service:
  1. United States Armed Forces Institute courses

  2. United States Armed Forces Institute subject examinations

  3. High school courses offered through USAFI by cooperating colleges and universities: credit upon transfer from the school offering the course.

  4. Marine Corps Institute courses

  5. Basic or recruit training accepted in lieu of required courses in physical education and health.

  6. Service school training

  7. PREP (Predischarge Education Program), but only when provided by a regionally accredited secondary school.

  8. {These are accepted.}

Credit through Extension, Correspondence, and Televised Courses. The school may accept credit earned by a student through correspondence or extension study towards satisfying the requirements for graduation, providing the course has been approved by the principal in advance of the student's enrollment. Such credit is earned through the satisfactory completion of courses offered by an institution accredited by the NCA or one of the other regional accrediting associations. {The SFIU has a Hensley School for Ministers, which is paper correspondence; and is accredited through the International Accreditation Association. It is administered through its parent association: ULC of Modesto, CA. It is used by SFIU as a 'prep school'.}
A maximum of four units of such credit may be accepted; however, more may be accepted for adult or physically handicapped students and for students residing in places where an accredited school is not accessible for resident study.

Credit for Summer School Study: The school may offer summer school courses for credit or accept summer school credits earned in some other accredited {} school. If a school operates a summer school, the courses offered are under the instruction of teachers and the supervision of administrators who meet NCA standards.

{SFIU does not operate a summer school program. Since the Students work on a flex time basis, none exists. SFIU is open 24 hours, year around for Students. Administratively, SFIU is open during regular business hours for the locales of Administrators, Counselors and Teachers. This is a very flexible situation for all concerned. The Director averages 16 to 20 hours per 24 hour period, but requires this load of no one else. Future salaries will be assessed based upon a flat salary, with no overtime. Presently, all concerned are dedicated Minister and experienced volunteers.}

Appendix B; NCA Standard and Criteria.

Appendix C; NCA Standard and Criteria.


"New Schools. When in the judgment of the state committee a school applying for admission into the International Association is of sufficient quality, some minor deviations from policies and criteria will be permitted. The specific deviations, however, shall be reported to the Commission on Schools for its final action at the annual meeting. A school may apply for membership in the North Central Association the same year it graduates its first class."

{SFIU has yet to graduate its first Student.}

"Proficiency Examinations. A teacher may qualify to teach a certain subject by taking and passing a proficiency examination provided an accredited college certifies that the teacher has demonstrated competency. Successful completion of an advanced course in writing will demonstrate proficiency." {All Teachers have special training and experience in specific coursework. Only the Director has proficiency in all. One hopes this situation will soon change, because it must; through recruitment and/or production from SFIU Graduates. This will occur over time.}

Grace Period for Administrators. Wherever permissible under International certification laws or regulations, any person newly employed as a principal or superintendent in an NCA school is granted up to two years to complete the full graduate-hour requirement. However, the person must complete the necessary graduate hours by the end of the two-year grace period or the school shall be warned. Documentation of reasonable progress being made in meeting the criteria is accepted by the International committee.{The Director has been accepted by the Majority of his peers as having full Professor status; from education and experience; which are on-going. His full education and experience encompass 25 years. See the documentation from research referred to on the website. Specific research is available for a Donation.}

Appendix D; Optional and Special Function Standard & Criteria.

The Treatment of the School's Application for Membership

"It is of utmost urgency that due process be followed in all the procedures relating to the school's application for membership and accreditation. The intent of these processes is solely to provide the school with every reasonable opportunity to plead its particular case."

{May the SFIU open its 'doors' via website before accreditation?}

Information System; Optional and Special Function Standard & Criteria.

"Each school is expected to have in place an assessment-driven information system that is comprehensive and current. This system is designed to address questions relative to student performance and the school's effectiveness, as well as questions which ask for a comparison of the school community's students and other students. The school continually collects student and community data to analyze the performance of its students as they enter, progress, and exit each level of schooling."

{The Dissertation process for Undergraduates and Thesis process for advanced Masters and Doctorate levels includes on-going documented feed-back from all concerned; both Students and Staff.}

IS 1
The school has established a data-driven information system that is used in its instructional decision-making process.

{Affirmed by the situation previously addressed.}

IS 2
Information is regularly collected from the public in which the school performs, relative to their attitudes, expectations, and assessments of the quality of the school, its program, the climate, and the success of its students.
{SFIU begins with its recruitment of Students from the public at large; globally; from the website. Long-term Discourse is part of the process.}
IS 3
Information gathered from the student performance information are used to design quality school programs, to establish a positive learning climate, and to continually evaluate and improve all school conditions.

{Students should be queried regarding their needs and expectations, and suitable review procedures initiated and followed through. SFIU demonstrates to the students their requests are utilized and/or explain why they are not. This procedure is extremely important in alleviating students' anxieties. Sincerity and follow-through are the keys. Students pick up on insincerity and false promises very quickly, because they are expecting rejection. Once trust is broken, it is very difficult to renew it; from the view of the Student.}

{SFIU has designed a procedure and classes to teach the students how to live cooperatively. This activity is ordinarily assumed by the parents, siblings, peers and other members of the public. As has been demonstrated recently, this infrastructure has broken down, and must be renewed. We call in outside experts and volunteers from the public at large to facilitate this structure. There is a tendency among administrators to believe discussion alone will solve latent crisies. This is an illusion. Only education and positive action will suffice. This must be an on-going process, due to short attention spans. The necessary coursework is available from this source, and many others. It is well-established; with a successful history world-wide. We will train Students, Teachers, Counselors and Administrators in this coursework.}
IS 4

The information system provides appropriate data for school personnel to analyze.
For example:
  • The preparation of students entering the school.
  • {Nothing in our procedures or coursework is hidden from the prospective Students.}

  • Changes in student performance that occur over time.
  • {Changes are documented through the Dissertation and Thesis Process.}

  • Progress of students in developing a more focused career interest area.
  • {Specific, yet flexible Success criteria are stated initially; before enrollment.}

  • The extent to which promoted or graduated students are prepared to be successful at the next level of schooling, in the world of work, and in becoming self-directed learners.

{These conditions are inherent in the internal system within SFIU.}

IS 5
Each school systematically analyzes its student performance data and uses the results of this analysis as the basis for the student profile and to document program effectiveness.

{Every Dissertation gives us this opportunity, because it is inherent in the comments for improvements by all concerned. This is on-going.}

IS 6
Follow-up studies of students promoted or graduated from the school are conducted to determine the degree to which students have made successful transitions to the next level and to obtain their assessment of their pattern of preparation.

All Students are offered the services of SFIU after their graduation. This is specified in the website.

IS 7
The school continually collects and analyzes information on students who have dropped out of the educational program. The school community uses this information to develop appropriate interventions to help students re-enter the regular educational program or seek alternative forms of schooling.

{Criteria are specified before enrollment, and are referred to other schools and/or employment/volunteer opportunities thereafter through the Internet.}
IS-o 8

Care is exercised to ensure that the privacy of students and teachers is not violated through inappropriate collection, use, and retention of personal information.

{The only lack of privacy seen is through some information asked for by government entities. We do not require private information.}


The school is responsible for developing educational programs that reflect the characteristics of the school community and that increase the {spiritual}, intellectual, personal, physical, social, and career development of the students it serves. Through the teaching-learning program all students are expected to engage in rigorous and ever more challenging educational pursuits at all school levels. Overall the school program is designed to "be ready" to accommodate students of varying levels of development, prepare students to be productive citizens in a democratic {or any other} society, and enable students to become self-directed learners.

{We do not restrict them by any of your criteria. They do not have to belong to a 'democratic' society. A 'democratic' society imposes no restriction upon God and his followers. Students may belong to any society on this earth. Restrictions become superflous outside a restrictive society. Christ did not restrict in this manner. We follow His principles; not yours. If you attempt to restrict the activities of the Disciples and followers of Christ, you will pay the penalty; through God. We shall not, by His promise. We are prepared to accept your censure, and pay the worldly consequences.}

PS-o 1
The school has established clearly defined admissions procedures for the admission of its students. These procedures are made known to all potential students and their parents.

{Conditions are specified on the Website.}

PS-o 2
Enrollment in the school is voluntary. The school has established procedures to permit the parents {and the Students} to withdraw the student at their discretion and to allow the student to enter another school or program without prejudice.

{Absolute truth. Christ would have it no other way. Our only request is they should enter into prayer before making any momentous decisions. The choice is always theirs.}

PS-o 3
Whenever feasible, the student body reflects the racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic mix of the community the school serves.

{If the 'school' or University in this case; serves the entire world; nothing else is possible.}

PS-o 4
The school climate is conducive to learning.

{If absolutely open communication is maintained; nothing else is possible.

PS-o 5
The school provides a positive {spiritual}, social, and academic climate that enhances and strengthens the student's self-esteem and academic performance.

{All concerned have specific instructions about this matter on the website.}

PS-o 6
The school fosters in its students an understanding of the divergent value systems that are integral to our pluralistic democratic society, {and any other}.

{"Pluralistic Democratic Societies" have no reality except by those who give this phrase their personal definition. It is a political concept; not a spiritual, educational one; and should not be included. Politics, are by their very definition, not true. They are only defined by the ego's false reality of separateness from God; which is not true. Spiritual value systems are the core of what we teach. They are true. They are not divergent. They remain true no matter the man made society. We do not teach 'politics' at SFIU; and respectfully; lovingly - suggest you do the same. You will be much happier and saner for the exercise. We "give to Caeser what is Caeser's; and to God what is God's." This definition apparently defines this application as political in nature, rather than educational; or spiritual. 'Politics' is defined only by itself. Education does not define politics. Politics does not define education, it enforces politics. The eternal illusion.}

PS-o 7
The school encourages supportive norms for accomplishing academic work, but it provides considerable latitude to accommodate diverse styles of learning.
{Absolutely. All our academic work supports latitude to accomodate all styles of learning.}
PS-o 8
The school encourages open communication among staff, students, and community. Large amounts of dialogue and feedback characterize the communication.

{Daily, open communication is the norm in all our activities. It is intrinsic in the design of all our interactions.}

PS-o 9
The school fosters a sense of belonging and feeling of security among its students.

{Students are not required to give anything personal, except their names and addresses; both email and - by their choice; paper mail. Nothing else is required, neither age, sex, skin tone, culture, sexual orientation; nor religious affiliation. They may remain near totally anonymous; or entirely open. Any range in between is acceptable. We teach: "balance in all things." We challenge anyone to match this criteria.}

PS-o 10
There is significant involvement of students in academic pursuits.

{Students are eternally requested to do their own research; and produce their own conclusions from that research. We do not insist they meet any criteria except that of Jesus the Christ. By the end of their studies; He is the Master Teacher.}

PS-o 11
Students have appropriate responsibilities in the development and implementation of the school's rules of conduct and scholarship standards.

{The Christ defines all standards. He always will. This brings all concerned a total sense of security and participation.}

Student Learning Goals
As a result of analyzing information on students and the community, the school establishes learning goals to give direction to the overall school program. Learning goals are designed to press all students to excellence and focus on enhancing the {spiritual} intellectual, personal, physical, social, and career development of students.

{This is true within the inherent design of all coursework.}

PS-o 20
The learning goals are challenging, are appropriate in terms of rigor and diversity, meet student needs, and are consistent with the stated goals of the school program.

{With Christ as the Master Teacher, the learning goals can be and do no other. The Director's favorite teaching methods match closely that of the Christ. They are Humor, Allegory, Challenge, and Example; overlaid throughout with the love of God. The Director suggests all Teachers, Counselors, Staff and Students do the same. All concerned use them in variety, because only they work. This is determined by use and demonstration. The Christ has so demonstrated. How could we do less? We must do at least as well, if not more; because He said we would do more.}

PS-o 21
The school defines clearly its program and its expectations for students so that the family being served can make an appropriate and informed choice.

{Our demonstrated modus operendi is "Nothing shall be hidden". It is only through secrecy and restrictions on the truth that dissension can exist.}

PS-o 22
Students and parents are informed of the objectives of each component of the student's program and about the activities to be undertaken to help the student achieve those objectives.

{Each Student Dissertation is commented on by a teacher, and the Student is encouraged to comment on the teacher's comments. All here are Learners, Doers; and Teachers. This concept, implemented; eliminates dissension. If teachers are guides and students with the Students; then the roles are reversed; and the Students are asked to teach; then the Teachers are asked to learn. This is the only true method. With this method everyone maintains equality and the principle of "We are One." becomes true. It becomes true, because it is true. Demonstration and example by all concerned give this truth certainty, and eliminate the vagaries of individual egos.}


The curriculum reflects the needs and interests of the students and community. The curriculum is designed to increase the {spiritual}, intellectual, personal, physical, social, and career development of the student population and engage students in rigorous and challenging educational pursuits commensurate with their level of development. The curriculum provides a balanced school program for all students and is flexible to permit wide variation in student development. The school maintains a diversified and balanced program of student activities designed to contribute to the educational development of students.

{Student activites are as variable as they want to make them within the course subject. The conclusions students arrive at are lovingly questioned, not condemned. Students are guided to demonstrate by experience the truths they encounter within their research; because the truth is subjective to the abilities of the students to accept them. They still remain true. The only right answers are with the Christ.}

PS-o 30
Quality programs are accessible for all students.
{All students pick their direction within the subject they wish to study. They choose the relationships and methodology they find true. For instance; any statement must be verified by research and demonstration. Research requires a minimum of three cross-references per statement of truth. The challenge lies in finding the demonstration. If demonstration cannot be made, then the reasons why it did not work must be given. From what is not true; truth is found. This is extremely stimulating to all concerned.}

PS-o 31
The educational program is developed from the school's stated goals and objectives and from a knowledge of the unique needs of its students. The program is designed to carry out the educational purpose of the school.

{The educational purpose of the school is to train Ministers. Be they Pastors, Educators, Researchers or Administrators depends upon the individual student. Each is as important as the other. Skills are transferable, yet ease and familiarity is a gift which not all will possess until balance is found, between extremes. We provide the free exchange of information and experience which make this possible.}

PS-o 32
The school's program is designed to develop feelings of self-acceptance and self-worth; to develop the talents and competencies of each individual; and to develop basic skills. The program assists the student in coping with changing environments; it encourages the student to take an active role in the determination of society's alternative futures; it enables the student to make more responsible decisions concerning his/her future.

{All beginnings begin at 'level flight'. Extremes do not bring satisfaction, nor happiness. The Student is asked first: "Who are you"? This answer changes with changing perceptions. The next question is: "What would you like to be?" "When would you like to arrive?", followed by: "Where would you like that to be?" These answers all change with the changing perception caused by changing realities of what is true. These realities are self-defined by the Student. They cannot be changed by the Teacher, only guided toward alternate choices; and subsequent realities. 'Tools' are provided by Teachers for the Student's use. None are exclusive. All are of general application by anyone. For instance, the greatest tool we can give any Student is one of the First: How to find and practice being still. From being still comes clarity of mind, peace of soul and relaxation of body. It is said "he who can concentrate on one single point can be perfect". From the act of being still, comes the demonstration of single point focus, then learning becomes joy, not strife. It is a simple, general tool. Yet, it has profound implications in concentration, peace and love. Then, all things become possible. Study becomes easy. Retention is increased, and understanding is formed. True love becomes reality. These techniques have been known for thousands of years.}

PS-o 33
The scope of the school's program of studies is such as to meet adequately within the context of its stated purposes the educational, {spiritual}, and developmental (affective, cognitive, psychomotor) needs of its students.

{The short dissertation above increase all these abilities by demonstration.}

PS-o 34
All instructional/learning materials are selected with consideration for the appropriate treatment of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups and the avoidance of sex stereotyping.

{We know these things only when the Student volunteers them. We do not ask, because they are not important to the truth. They are important only when physically interacting, and most students do not physically interact. We have study materials from every major culture on earth. The student is welcome to select any one or a group to learn from. They are encouraged to select those they do not know, or to perfect those they do from the perspective of another culture. Our emphasis is on the spiritual, not the physical, because we know the physical is transitory; the spiritual eternal. The Spiritual is trans geographical, racial, ethnic, cultural and sexual. It, and only it is permanent. It, and only it is important.}

PS-o 35
The school's program, curriculum, and learning environments are designed specifically for its student population.

{They are designed that each and every student may reach their full potential. We stress similarities, not differences. For only the similarities are true. All else is not important, because differences are not true. They are manufactured by each culture to answer the needs of the ego. The ego is not true. Only the common, universal similarities are important.}


The teaching-learning program is designed to continually press students to higher levels of development. Students are expected to be actively engaged in challenging and rigorous educational activities essential to the successful functioning of an individual in a democratic {or any other} society. The teaching-learning program focuses on the learning goals that have been established.

{Students who once have a taste of peace, total relaxation, concentration, and love only want more. So, we teach them how to get more, and teach others the same. They more they get, the more they want to share it. These tools are activities, and they are self-fulfilling. I.E. - Each tool brings more of the same. The more they get, the more energy they have to do anything else they consider possible. We stress to them there are no limits when no limits are imagined. This concept is demonstrated as true. The Goal is the Divine Relationship so they may have more of what they already have. When more becomes enough, then the natural tendency is to want to share this with others. Even total joy has limits. When one can have all the candy bars, one naturally restricts themselves to only the candy bars they can eat. The same is true of the Divine Relationship. It is only when lack is anticipated that addiction becomes reality.}
PS-o 40

The school maintains adequate records and reports regarding students, staff, and program that are meaningful in terms of the educational purposes of the school.

{The purpose of the school is teaching happiness and the Divine Relationship. When students demonstrate they have it, what more is needed?}
PS-o 41

Teachers use classroom {and electronic communication} practices which make the most productive use of classroom {and electronic communication} time.

{We have in place on-line discussion forums where all concerned learn from each other. There, teachers and students redefine themselves; often changing roles as it suits them.}

PS-o 42
Students and, wherever appropriate, parents are informed in writing about their rights and responsibilities pertaining to the school program.

PS-o 43
The school records educational experiences on the student's transcript {and electronic submissions} so that they can be interpreted readily by others after the student graduates or leaves the school.

Staff Development

The school has a staff development program that is responsive to the unique needs of the students and school personnel, the characteristics of the educational program, and the student performance goals of the school improvement plan.

PS-o 50
Staff members are given careful and adequate orientation to the specific professional requirements of the particular educational program offered by the school. They also receive continuing support and assistance beyond this initial orientation.

PS-o 51
A staff development program is provided to stimulate ongoing appraisal and improvement of the educational program. Staff development programs are developed through needs assessments, faculty involvement, and faculty evaluations of each inservice program. They include documented diagnosis of teacher performance and specific processes and resources for improvement.


The school has an assessment system that is broad in scope and appropriate to document student development. The results of assessment are used to (a) establish a teaching-learning program that reflects the strengths, interests, and needs of the students and community; (b) improve student performance; and (c) determine the degree to which the school is successful in achieving its goals.

PS-o 60
Teachers are involved in assessing the effectiveness of the program and in planning for its improvement.

PS-o 61
The school provides careful diagnoses of the needs of the individual student relative to skill development, {spiritual}, social and personal development, and talent development. The school then makes appropriate provision for meeting these needs of the individual student.

PS-o 62
The results of the school's student assessment program are used to modify curriculum and instructional methodology.

PS-o 63
Students receive regular and frequent assessment of their progress.

PS-o 64
The school uses student evaluation procedures which are consistent with the stated goals and objectives of the school and which measure progress on the basis of those stated goals and objectives.

PS-o 65
The school has procedures for granting credit or for determining progress/graduation that are based on sound professional judgment and are consistent with the school's stated purposes. Schools that do not grant credit based on traditional measures or which promote on measures other than academic units have clearly defined completion requirements for each course or learning experience. Completion requirements may be measured through clock hours of instruction or through the attainment of specified competencies. The procedures for granting credit or designating progress are in writing and students, staff, and parents are acquainted with them.

Pupil Personnel Services

Pupil personnel services are comprehensive and designed to enhance the intellectual, personal, physical, social, and career development of all students.

PS-o 70
The school makes provision for access to the persons, facilities, materials, and services required to meet the specialized needs of all its students.

PS-o 71
The school provides guidance services, including counseling, appraisal, and educational planning. While various approaches to guidance services are to be encouraged, including differentiated staffing and the use of off-site services, at least one professional staff member with appropriate preparation bears direct responsibility for the direction and coordination of the guidance services.

PS-o 72
The school provides or makes available other supportive services, {technical, informational, and spiritual services} such as social services and health services, required by the needs of its particular students.

PS-o 73
The school provides individualized assistance that enables each student to work toward functioning at maximum potential, including the students with needs for special education.

PS-o 74
The school has a plan for medical examinations to identify students with health problems. It maintains adequate health records for its students. {This provision is not applicable for totally electronic institutions.}


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©1995-97 North Central Association, Commission on Schools

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