Divine Intimate Relationships


Personal Introduction | Our Services | Contact Us
Our Services


1. The Alpha Group, Consultants to small business - https://sfiu.tripod.com/alpha.htm

2. Searcher Foundation Internet University - SFIU -
"The Home of Christ."

3. Searcher Publishing Haus.
Spiritual electronic books and study materials for all faiths. https://sfiu.tripod.com/book.htm

Spiritual Physican and Counselor -
Dr. Fabert is available by appointment only via email for consultations with anyone who has a need. Those who defy
the word of God define wants. God defines needs.

4. We are now entering a new phase in couple relationships:


A seminar and individual counseling that relationships may
be healed through the love of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.

We know Christ said: "We are One with the Father-God."

Its key lies in this mathematical and spiritual equation:
Man divides/Woman=That they may know God. This is the most intimate relationship known to God, and man and woman.

"Let them be One flesh, under God. Let no man/woman put [them] asunder." This is God's law. All who transgress upon it are punished, by their own choice.

In return, Woman divides/her man from other women and men= that they as a couple may know God.

"How to" Solutions are personally arranged per individual needs. More specific information may be given then.

Do you need to know more? Contact Dr. Fabert at sfiu@lycos.com for personal consult or group seminars.

The requested donations follow this schedule:

$1000 per person for a lifetime membership.

$10 per hour per person for personal counseling/consultation.

$100 per seminar of no more than 10 persons. These are personal sessions; which will enable and enoble your life through the greater law of God - The Divine Intimate Relationship.

Retreat[s] to wilderness sites are available by special appointment only to those who are students and staff within Searcher Foundation. They must be known personally by Dr. Fabert. Enjoy the Peace of God and the Divine Love of Christ.
