Would you like to submit case information? This is for your convenience and is secured for your confidentiality. Of course, you may also submit using a secured E-Mail service to either of our E-Mail addresses.
When submitting your case, use the following as a guideline:
Who [are you and the person you wish found. Full name, DOB and SSN are very helpful.]
What [happened? Please submit facts. You may share your emotions in a follow-up email. We promise to listen and sympathize. Many of us have experienced what you are experiencing, but each case is unique; as are you.]
When [did it occur?]
Where [did it occur?]
Whom [have you contacted? All police reports and other events with investigators are pertinent. Please furnish all details.]
Every moment counts. If you are not comfortable with notifying Law Enforcement, we will handle that for you.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.