NEW RELEASE, AVAILABLE NOW! This began as a cultural research study for Ministerial Students. We knew war was the one place where spiritual love was hard to come by. So, we proceeded to verify our hypothesis. We found more than we could possibly use! This electronic book is over 5 megabytes in size. {5 3.5" Diskettes. custom programmed in HTML, the standard Internet computer language.} Set against a cloud background, the book is an experience of rare beauty.
The first section is a combination of Aircraft Photos with stories, poetry and quotations from aviators; both military and civilian. All have a strong spiritual flavor which transcends 'religion'. It begins with 'High Flight', the matchless poem about spiritual flight. The photography alone will take your breath away. We were priviliged to use official Air Power photos from all services and civilian contractors.
The second section is devoted to the unsung military 'heros' of all the services, the Medics. With few photos, these are stories from Medics; about their experiences in war and peace. They have three locales; Vietnam, Germany and the U.S. You will enter into the minds of these men and women as they strain to maintain their humanity in trying circumstances. Many of these true stories rival good fiction. Get ready to laugh, and cry. Move over MASH and E.R.! You have competition. The language is raw and immediate with passion. Not recommended for under-age persons.
We're asking for a $25 US Donation for this extraordinary book.
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