Searcher Publishing AUTHOR'S GUIDELINES
Would you like to learn or do you already know how to program in HTML? This concept is the fastest growth in publishing today.
I will feature your book on these web page{s}. You may submit your own ad, or I will review it positively for you. I reserve the right to change your ad for content. See our Home Page for examples. Please furnish your own art for the ad. If not, we will charge you for that service, depending upon how many hours it takes us, at the rate of $10.00 per hour.
Anything which might be appropriate to the individual searcher of spiritual enlightenment, and texts for non-denominational Student Ministers will be snapped up first. I supply non-denominational Seminaries and individuals. I stay away from any material which is specific to a particular "Religion" or "Belief System". That should give you a direction.
Most publishing houses require a substantial percentage. Since I'm new, I will feature your book for a 10% percentage of your total sales Gross, under contract. Until it becomes necessary, there will be no "up front" fees to you for this service. Let's talk. E-Mail me at Let me know what you're doing, and we'll work out some details.
What have you got to lose, since I'm doing the programming for you on the webpage? Please furnish a short bio of yourself and the book, preferably the front cover, Preface and Table of Contents. I will use as much as seems pertinent. Studies have shown this information is usually all that's necessary to sell the book. We are taking the middle man out of the picture here. The Preface takes the place of hard bound books fly leaf. Please keep it short.
Please do your best to submit book CONCEPTS the first contact, SAMPLES of the work your second contact, and your finished work after CONTRACT completion electronically; as attachments to E-Mail. Mark your subject lines appropriately, that you may receive top priority. You are very valuable to me. Please allow some time of 1 to 2 weeks for my return to you. I will make every effort to answer quicker. As usual, my cup is full.
I don't want any content which does not appeal to a spiritually oriented audience. Our effort here is toward Archaeological and other written evidence which validates man's spirituality; from all cultures. Something Tibetan is considered of equal value with Hindu, Australian, etc.
Needless to say, early "Christian" materials will be featured first, since that is our primary audience. However, that may change, so don't restrict yourself. I am very open to materials with valid research references, in texts. Our policy here is that all research should feature three sources. This is not always possible, so be specific. Depending on the situation, I am flexible. We require you to gain the necessary permissions to quote another's material, if copyright requires. Submit copies to us, and we're on the way.
New 'enlightenment' and 'wisdom' teachings are encouraged. For example, the books of Richard Bach, Neale Donald Walsch, etc. Be as creative as you would like.
We prefer material that is suitable for families. However, if content is necessary to tell the story, we will so mark this in our ads. Underage persons {Under 21 YOA} will not be allowed to purchase this book. It is not in your best interest to reduce the market for your book, since young people will be the primary market.
HTML Editors and tutorials are available on the Internet. These materials are usually on a "Try it before you buy it" shareware concept. Anyone who can bake a cake can learn HTML. Try the global search engine, or any other you're familiar with; for these programs.
Authors who are unfamiliar with programming standards for electronic books will be provided with the necessary information and resources for electronic book development. Check the Internet. As we grow, these resources will be part of this website, as the needs dictate. I will not accept JAVA Programming, or any variant thereof, until the inherent instabilities shake down. HTML is now the international standard for electronic books.
If I suggest to you your material might not work, you certainly may feature it with someone else. However, I would prefer a long-term relationship with you. I will not require publishing rights, but prefer exclusivity. Working together, we will accomplish some pioneering work in this medium. Rights remain with you, the Author. I suggest you research current Copyright law on electronic materials. these standards are changing rapidly. Stay on top of it. I will do my best to assist you, but the market is changing very rapidly. Let us help each other. Feel free to copy this webpage for your information.
Thank you. May God Bless you.
Rev. James L. Fabert, DD
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