ARTS: AKA Black Arts. Witchcraft.
BINOCS: Binocular viewing device.
BOLO: Be On the Look Out.
BORDER SHIFT. Tossing a pistol from one hand to the other. In this case, from the right to the left.
BOUNCING BETTY MINE: This particular anti-personnel device when triggered blows itself in the air to waist level and explodes its several hundred pieces of shrapnel in a 360 degree pattern.
C-4: Military plastic explosive.
CIC: Counter-Intelligence. "Spook" hunters. The elite.
CID: Criminal Investigations. Usually under the Judge Advocate General. CID often functioned as cover identities for CIC.
NEED TO KNOW: Only those with a verifiable need have reasons to know the information.
FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: For use only within the organization.
NOFORN: No foreign distribution.
TOP SECRET - COLOG: The highest security classification for this operation.
CO: Commanding Officer.
COLOG: Colorado Log entries.
COMSEC: Communications Security.
COUSINS: A European term for CIA.
COVERT: The opposite of overt - openly. Covert designates something or someone hidden from normal activities.
EYES ONLY: For his/her edification only. No other signatories allowed.
FILE ALPHA NULL: This Top Secret file is never included with the dossier, due to security considerations.
HALO: High Altitude Low Opening. Refers to a highly specialized method for exiting aircraft via parachute. For covert inserts, egress is performed at an altitude which cannot be physically seen. This requires specialized life support apparatus. Then, the chute is automatically inflated at the lowest possible altitude.
INTEL: Intelligence information. Sensitive information not usually found in the public milieu.
MEA CULPA: From the Latin: My apology.
MONASTIC: Being and/or living as a Monk.
NVG: Night Vision Goggles.
OPS: Operations. The people who go out in the field [As opposed to those who work in the office.] to get the work done.
PAYBACK: What goes around, comes around. For every action there is an equal reaction. In the military it was expressed thusly - "Payback is a mother fucker".
POGODA [TEAM]. A formerly Top Secret Operations Group under DOD who were trained as hostage rescue teams for covert international operations. They were comprised of Special Forces [Army], SEAL [Navy], and Force Recon [Marine Corp] personnel. A highly trained and motivated group. Only the best from each of the services were chosen from volunteers. It is said only 10% of the applicants survived the winnowing process.
SHAMAN: Native American medicine/holy man.
SIGINT: Signals Intelligence
THREEPERSONS. A western style steel lined belt and holster, designed for fast draw use. Developed by a Native American Texas Ranger.
WARLOCK: Male Witch