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Searcher Foundation Communications HQ
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Are you looking for a challenge, and a way to serve the Lord? Welcome.
The Foundation is non-denominational, and open to all those who desire to serve. The emphasis is on experience, yet education; as always - is important.
All personnel must be able to pass a deep background classified security investigation.
I suggest a detailed resume, to include time lines, experience, goals, letters and telephone numbers with addresses for those who might recommend you.
For your convenience and ours, please see http://www.yahoo.com for their resume services.
Let us get to know one another, for the long term.
In my years as Consultant, Minister, Chaplain, Investigator with Bluelight and Founder of Searcher, the under-lying theme has been of great challenges, and tremendous rewards which go beyond mere monetary recompense.
From my view, it's time both physically and spiritually to pass it along to a new generation. Therefore, I am actively recruiting persons of all ages, races and creeds to carry on what has begun here - active demonstration of the love of Christ.
Try us, I know you'll like us.
Do you have experience in this field? You will be one of our primary pivotal positions within Searcher Foundation. You may work from home, to include periodic meetings with the Founder, at a time and place mutually agreeable. You will be provided a high percentage of whatever you are able to successfully write. This percentage is dependent upon experience and results. Consider the minimum to be 10% with much room for growth and expansion.
The emphasis here is on spiritual and investigative background and experience. If you have both these gifts, please provide a detailed resume ASAP. You will be tracing and saving the lives of children and the elderly. You will be briefed, trained and personally supported by the Founder, and those other professionals he so designates. The need here is urgent. Your income will be dependent on grants now being written. Suggest this is an ideal position for retired government and security personnel.
Work from Home
This is a unique opportunity. For details, please see the "Welcome to Cognigen Networks, Inc." page.