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Selections from The Nazarene Way
As an introduction, a bit of history and explanation of who the Essenes were -
The first is probably the most beautiful poetry every written: The Vision of Enoch. Considered the source material for Psalm 46:10 - "Be Still, and Know that I Am God."
The second is what purports to be the original Commandments of God to Moses on the mountain. Look carefully at the differences.
The third is from a marvelous book, said to be personal accounts from those who knew him. The love of Jesus [Yeshua] here is near overpowering in its quiet intensity. Enjoy.
The fourth is the Sixth Communion, from the lost scrolls of the Essene Brotherhood, said to be found in the Vatican Archives.
The fifth is said to come from the journal of the woman called Mary Magdalene - Miriam of Mijdel. A man of the church once said to me after reading this journal: "Would my wife loved me as much."
These are probably some of the most beautiful of all the writings which became the Holy Bible. Please enjoy. Be at peace.

The Nazarene Way



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The Essenes - History and Explanation


A Jewish ascetic sect, which was originally based upon sun-
worshipping of Persian anchorites. Eventually it developed into a
sect based on Jain yogis claiming to be able to perform miracles by
living separately from the world and practicing extreme self-denial.
One large Essenic community was in the Qumran region from 110 BC to
the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. It was vacant during the reign of
Herd, 31 - 4 BC and especially after a large earthquake in 31 BC.

It is believed among their prominent members were John the Baptist,
Jesus and Simon Magus the founder of Gnosticism. One indication that
Christ may have been an Essene was that He criticized the Scribes and
Pharisees, but never the Essenes. It is, also, speculated that those
following Christ were called Essenes before they were known as

The Essenes possessed a hierarchy. The chief priest was known as
Christos (Anointed One), "head of the whole Congregation of israel."
The ordinary priests were called "sons of Aaron," and there was
another functionary known as the Messiah of Israel. He also was known
as the Teacher of Righteousness and was to undergo and suffer
physical abuse in atonement for the sins of the whole community,
enduring "vindictive sentences of scourging and the terrors of
painful sicknesses, and vengeance on his fleshly body."

The Essenic view of the world seemed to be one of predeterminism.
Their eternal and omnipotent God not only knew everything that would
occur in the world but also arranged for it to happen. Within this
predestined arrangement there were two ways that involve a macrocosm
and a microcosm. In God's plan the two ways are the ways of light and
darkness, or the ways of good and evilness. Quantities of light and
darkness exist in the entire universe, angels and men. The opposite
quantities are in constant battle. This battle between the two is
macrocosmic, universal, as well as microcosmic, in men. God holds the
duality in constant control and knows the eventual outcome.

It was believed that after the final battle in this war of light
against darkness that each angel and man would be judged according to
his actions to these elements of light and darkness.

The preferred explanation as to how sin entered the world for the
Essenes at Qumran seemed not to be the sin of Adam (see Gen. 6:1- 4)
but the acts of the fallen angels as recorded in the Book of Enoch.
Heavenly angels saw daughters of men and mated with them. They and
their offspring, the giants, introduced a superhuman quality of evil
into human society. This, the Watcher myth seemed to be more
important in Qumran thought because it presupposes that evil existed
in the heavenly realm before hand.

Descriptions of Essenic life come from ancient writers such as
Josephus, Pliny and others. They described how the Essenes viewed
pleasures as evil, and saw continence and conquest of passions to be
virtuous. Their writings have led to confusion concerning marriage,
sex and children within the communities. They implied the Essenes
abstained from marriage and sex but in many of the excavations of the
Dead Sea Scrolls skeletons of women and children have been founds at
almost all of the communities, even Qumran, leading investigators to
speculate that the communities were not devoid of women and sex. The
Qumran documents, the Rule of Congregation and Manual of Discipline,
refer to women and children as part of the group. The Damascus
Document specifies how children of members should be admitted by
training them in the ways of the sect. Other theories are there were
married members when the communities were formed, but marriage was
abandoned when either partner died. Or, the women and children might
have been visiting relatives in the communities and/or were travelers
who died in the arid region.

These religious anchorites issued strict sentences on those who broke
rules of the community. Partial starvation was the most common
punishment for infraction of communal rules. Some sentences lasted
for as long as two or more years.

The Essenes called themselves Therapeutae, "healers," claiming that
their austere lifestyle gave them the power to cast out demons of
sickness and even to restore life of the dead. Considering this,
Christ raising Lazarus from the dead seems a typical Essenic miracle.
Others have wondered if such an event could not have occurred after
Christ was lain in the tomb following his crucifixion. Essenes might
have later entered the tomb to revive him.

Due to the various spellings of "Essene" the word could also
mean "pious one," or "doers," or "doers of the Torah." All of these
meanings seem to have been derived from the word.

It seems that Christ used the Essenic method of exorcism when driving
out demons, especially in the Gadarene swine. Christ like the Essenes
demanded the leading demon tell his name. Knowing the name had
magical significance and gave control over the demons. (See Law of
Names) Christ gave his sacred name only to his apostles by which they
practiced exorcism, meaning only a few of the early Christians were
given this power.

All who joined the sect gave away or sold there worldly goods and
gave the profits to the sect's leaders. Whether some of the first
communities were called Essenic or Christian the rules were harsh and
stern. There was no relenting. This is seen in an event which
occurred in one of the first communities. A husband and wife, Ananias
and Sapphira, sold their property and gave the proceeds to the
community. It was discovered the couple had kept some of the proceeds
back for themselves without telling the community. When St. Peter
questioned the husband about this and accused him of lying to the
Holy Spirit the man fell dead. When Peter later questioned the wife
about this, she too suffered the same fate upon hearing what had
happened to her husband. The local authorities later arrested Peter
and some of the group for murder, but they miraculously escaped.
(Acts 5:2-10,18-19)

This seems peculiar behavior among people who were preaching to the
world about their loving, omniscient God, loving thy neighbor,
forgiveness and doing good to others. The Holy Spirit was and is said
to be the Spirit of God. If God is omniscient, or all knowing, then
the man and wife could not lie to the Spirit, because the Spirit knew
before hand what they would do.

Regardless of their vows of poverty on earth, the Essenes shared
grandiose visions of their rewards after the destruction of this
world. They and the early Christians thought, as most Christians are
expected to think today, this world is only a testing place to
determine whether the immortal soul deserves the eternal reward or
punishment of heaven or hell. The world or earth itself was not worth
preserving or caring for because they believed in the end God would
destroy this world and build a more perfect one. When being
resurrected in this perfect world they believed they world live in
glorified and perfect bodies. This seems to be a hope of attaining in
an eternal future the things which one cannot attain in the present.

As always the Essenes saw themselves as the holy ones in the
brotherhood of "The Sons of Light." Everyone else was evil,
called "The Sons of Darkness," or the "men of the Pit." All were to
participate in "The War of the Sons of Light with Sons of Darkness."

There are other stories concerning the Essenes. Some say Christ
perceived his idea of hell from them. If true, this certainly calls
to question Christ's divinity; or, if he was divine, did he possess
divine knowledge while on earth?

Many in the Qumran survived the earthquake in 31 BC and said it was
the sign of the Last Days and poured forth to preach their message.
This was according to Josephus in 70 AD, who said many Messiahs and
Christs emerged. So the end of the world was predicted long before it
was recorded in the New Testament.

Perhaps this shocks many Christians that claim their religion is the
true religion and the Bible is the word of God. But when examining
the Essenic teachings one sees established the foundations of
Christianity. Within these teachings are the identical concepts of
sin, the evilness of wordily and fleshly pleasures, the denial of
self and sex, the war between the forces of good and evil, the powers
of healing and exorcism, and finally the sacrifice of self for the
atonement of sins. In brief, the entire Christian religion was laid
out or foreshadowed within the doctrines of the Essenes.

A major part of the world which professes Christianity stills lives
under times of tribulation. It is not surprising Saint Augustine
easily could suppress his Manichaenism on the people. The Church
readily acclaimed this to be the peoples' just way of life. However,
many question this acclamation when looking at the world's present
state. All of the horrendous sufferings of the past seem not to have
bettered the nature of humankind nor changed the ways of the world.




God Speaks to Man

I speak to you.
Be still
I am

I spoke to you
When you were born.
Be still
I am

I spoke to you
At your first sight.
Be still
I am

I spoke to you
At your first word.
Be still
I am

I spoke to you
At your first thought.
Be still
I am

I spoke to you
At your first love.
Be still
I am

I spoke to you
At your first song.
Be still
Know I am

I speak to you
Through the grass of the meadows.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the trees of the forests.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the valleys and the hills.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the Holy Mountains.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the rain and the snow.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the waves of the sea.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the dew of the morning.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the peace of the evening.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the splendor of the sun.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the brilliant stars.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the storm and the clouds.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the thunder and lightning.
Be still
I am

I speak to you
Through the mysterious rainbow.
Be still
I am

I will speak to you
When you are alone.
Be still
I am

I will speak to you
Through the Wisdom of the Ancients.
Be still
I am

I will speak to you
At the end of time.
Be still
I am

I will speak to you
When you have seen my Angels.
Be still
I am

I will speak to you
Throughout Eternity.
Be still
I am

I speak to you.
Be still
I am




And Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.

And the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mount: and Moses went up.

And the Lord called unto Moses out of the mountain, saying, Come unto me, for I would give thee the Law for thy people, which shall be a covenant for the Children of Light.

And Moses went up unto God. And God spake all these words, saying,

I am the Law, thy God, which hath brought thee out from the depths of the bondage of darkness.

Thou shalt have no other Laws before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any image of the Law in heaven above or in the earth beneath. I am the invisible Law, without beginning and without end.

Thou shalt not make unto thee false laws, for I am the Law, and the whole Law of all laws. If thou forsake me, thou shalt be visited by disasters for generation upon generation.

If thou keepest my commandments, thou shalt enter the Inftnite Garden where stands the Tree of Life in the midst of the Eternal Sea.

Thou shalt not violate the Law. The Law is thy God, who shall not hold thee guiltless.

Honor thy Earthly Mother, that thy days may be long upon the land, and honor thy Heavenly Father, that eternal life be thine in the heavens, for the earth and the heavens are given unto thee by the Law, which is thy God.

Thou shalt greet thy Earthly Mother on the morning of the Sabbath.

Thou shalt greet the Angel of Earth on the second morning.

Thou shalt greet the Angel of Life on the third morning.

Thou shalt greet the Angel of Joy on the fourth morning.

Thou shalt greet the Angel of Sun on the fifth morning.

Thou shalt greet the Angel of Water on the sixth morning,

Thou shalt greet the Angel of Air on the seventh morning-

All these Angels of the Earthly Mother shalt thou greet, and consecrate thyself to them, that thou mayest enter the Infinite Garden where stands the Tree of Life.

Thou shalt worship thy Heavenly Father on the evening of the Sabbath.

Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Eternal Life on the second evening.

Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Work on the third evening.

Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Peace on the fourth evening.

Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Power on the fifth evening,

Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Love on the sixth evening.

Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Wisdom on the seventh evening.

All these Angels of the Heavenly Father shalt thou commune with, that thy soul may bathe in the Fountain of Light, and enter into the Sea of Eternity.

The seventh day is the Sabbath: thou shalt remember it, keep it holy. The Sabbath is the day of the Light of the Law, thy God. In it thou shalt not do any work, but search the Light, the Kingdom of thy God, and all things shall be given unto thee.

For know ye that during six days thou shalt work with the Angels, but the seventh day shalt thou dwell in the Light of thy Lord, who is the holy Law.

Thou shalt not take the life from any living thing. Life comes only from God, who giveth it and taketh it away.

Thou shalt not debase Love. It is the sacred gift of thy Heavenly Father.

Thou Shalt not trade thy Soul, the priceless gift of the loving God, for the riches of the world, which are as seeds sown on stony ground, having no root in themselves, and so enduring but for a little while.

Thou shalt not be a false witness of the Law, to use it against thy brother: Only God knoweth the beginning and the ending of all things, for his eye is single, and he is the holy Law.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's possessions. The Law giveth unto thee much greater gifts, even the earth and the heavens, if thou keep the Commandments of the Lord thy God.

And Moses heard the voice of the Lord, and sealed within him the covenant that was between the Lord and the Children of Light.

And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tablets of the Law were in his hand.

And the tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tablets.

And the people knew not what became of Moses, and they gathered themselves together and brake off their golden earrings and made a molten calf. And they worshipped unto the idol, and offered to it burnt offerings.

And they ate and drank and danced before the golden calf, which they had made, and they abandoned themselves to corruption and evil before the Lord.

And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing, and the wickedness of the people: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tablets out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great sin, ye have denied thy Creator. I will go up unto the Lord and plead atonement for thy sin.

And Moses returned unto the Lord, and said, Lord, thou hast seen the desecration of thy Holy Law. For thy children lost faith, and worshipped the darkness, and made for themselves a golden calf. Lord, forgive them, for they are blind to the light.

And the Lord said unto Moses, Behold, at the beginning of time was a covenant made between God and man, and the holy flame of the Creator did enter unto him. And he was made the son of God, and it was given him to guard his inheritance of the firstborn, and to make fruitful the land of his Father and keep it holy. And he who casteth out the Creator from him doth spit upon his birthright, and no more grievous sin doth exist in the eyes of God.

And the Lord spoke, saying, Only the Children of Light can keep the Commandments of the Law. Hear me, for I say thus: the tablets which thou didst break, these shall nevermore be written in the words of men. As thou didst return them to the earth and fire, so shall they live, invisible, in the hearts of those who are able to follow their Law. To thy people of little faith, who did sin against the Creator, even whilst thou stood on holy ground before thy God, -I will give another Law. It shall be a stem law, yea, it shall bind them, for they know not yet the Kingdom of Light.

And Moses hid the invisible Law within his breast, and kept it for a sign to the Children of Light. And God gave unto Moses the written law for the people, and he went down unto them, and spake unto them with a heavy heart.

And Moses said unto the people, these are the laws which thy God hath given thee.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor thy father and thy mother.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, nor thy neighbor's wife, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.

And there was a day of mourning and atonement for the great sin against the Creator, which did not end. And the broken tablets of the Invisible Law lived hidden in the breast of Moses, until it came to pass that the Children of Light appeared in the desert, and the angels walked the earth.


Cleopas of Bethroune
On the Law and the Prophets
WHEN JESUS SPOKE the whole world was hushed to
listen. His words were
not for our ears but rather for the elements of
which God made this

He spoke to the sea, our vast mother, that gave us
birth. He spoke to
the mountain, our elder brother whose summit is a

And He spoke to the angels beyond the sea and the
mountain to whom we
entrusted our dreams ere the clay in us was made
hard in the sun. 

And still His speech slumbers within our breast like
a love-song half
forgotten, and sometimes it burns itself through to
our memory. 

His speech was simple and joyous, and the sound of
His voice was like
cool water in a land of drought. 

Once He raised His hand against the sky, and His
fingers were like
the branches of a sycamore tree; and He said with a
great voice:
"The prophets of old have spoken to you, and your
ears are filled
with their speech. But I say unto you, empty your
ears of what you
have heard."
And these words of Jesus, "But I say unto you," were
not uttered by a
man of our race nor of our world; but rather by a
host of seraphim
marching across the sky of Judea. 

Again and yet again He would quote the law and the
prophets, and then
he would say, "But I say unto you."
Oh, what burning words, what waves of seas unknown
to the shores of
our mind, "But I say unto you."
What stars seeking the darkness of the soul, and
what sleepless souls
awaiting the dawn. 

To tell of the speech of Jesus one must needs have
His speech or the
echo thereof. 

I have neither the speech nor the echo. 

I beg you to forgive me for beginning a story that I
cannot end.
the end is not yet upon my lips. It is still a love
song in the wind.

From Jesus the Son of Man.
His words and His deeds as told and
recorded by those who knew Him.
Peace be with you.
The Nazarene Way


The Sixth Communion
From the Lost Scrolls of the Essene Brotherhood.
Translated by Edmond Szekely

Blessed Angel of Peace,
Whose kiss bestolveth calm,
Whose face is as the surface of untroubled waters,
Wherein the light of the moon is reflected.

Angel of Peace, I shall invoke thee,
Whose breath is friendly,
and whose hand smoothes the troubled brow.
In the reign of Peace,
There is neither hunger nor thirst,
Neither cold wind nor hot wind,
Neither old age nor death.

But to him that hath not peace in his soul,
There is no place to build within The Holy Temple;
For how can the carpenter build In the midst of a whirlwind?
The seed of violence can reap only a harvest of desolation,
Lo, from the parched clay can grow no living thing.

Seek then the Angel of Peace,
Who is as the morning star in the midst of a cloud,
As the moon at the full,
As a fair olive tree budding forth fruit,
And as the sun, shining, on the temple of the most High.

Peace dwells in the heart of silence:
Be still, and know that I am God.



IT WAS IN the month of June when I saw Him for the first time. He was walking in the wheatfield when I passed by with my handmaidens, and He was alone. The rhythm of His steps was different from other men's, and the movement of His body was like naught I had seen before.

Men do not pace the earth in that manner. And even now I do not know whether He walked fast or slow.

My handmaidens pointed their fingers at Him and spoke in shy whispers to one another. And I stayed my steps for a moment, and raised my hand to hail Him. But He did not turn His face, and He did not look at me. And I hated Him. I was swept back into myself, and I was as cold as if I had been in a snow-drift. And I shivered.

That night I beheld Him in my dreaming; and they told me afterward that I screamed in my sleep and was restless upon my bed.

It was in the month of August that I saw Him again, through my window. He was sitting in the shadow of the cypress tree across my garden, and He was still as if He had been carved out of stone, like the statues in Antioch and other cities of the North Country.

And my slave, the Egyptian, came to me and said, "That man is here again. He is sitting there across your garden."

And I gazed at Him, and my soul quivered within me, for He was beautiful.

His body was single and each part seemed to love every other part.

Then I clothed myself with raiment of Damascus, and I left my house and walked towards Him.

Was it my aloneness, or was it His fragrance, that drew me to Him? Was it a hunger in my eyes that desired comeliness, or was it His beauty that sought the light of my eyes?

Even now I do not know.

I walked to Him with my scented garments and my golden sandals, the sandals the Roman captain had given me, even these sandals. And when I reached Him, I said, "Good-morrow to you."

And He said, "Good-morrow to you, Miriam."

And He looked at me, and His night-eyes saw me as no man had seen me. And suddenly I was as if naked, and I was shy.

Yet He had only said, "Good-morrow to you."

And then I said to Him, "Will you not come to my house?"

And He said, "Am I not already in your house?"

I did not know what He meant then, but I know now.

And I said, "Will you not have wine and bread with me?"

And He said, "Yes, Miriam, but not now."

Not now, not now, He said. And the voice of the sea was in those two words, and the voice of the wind and the trees. And when He said them unto me, life spoke to death.

For mind you, my friend, I was dead. I was a woman who had divorced her soul. I was living apart from this self which you now see. I belonged to all men, and to none. They called me harlot, and a woman possessed of seven devils. I was cursed, and I was envied.

But when His dawn-eyes looked into my eyes all the stars of my night faded away, and I became Miriam, only Miriam, a woman lost to the earth she had known, and finding herself in new places.

And now again I said to Him, "Come into my house and share bread and wine with me."

And He said, "Why do you bid me to be your guest?"

And I said, "I beg you to come into my house." And it was all that was sod in me, and all that was sky in me calling unto Him.

Then He looked at me, and the noontide of His eyes was upon me, and He said, "You have many lovers, and yet I alone love you. Other men love themselves in your nearness. I love you in your self. Other men see a beauty in you that shall fade away sooner than their own years. But I see in you a beauty that shall not fade away, and in the autumn of your days that beauty shall not be afraid to gaze at itself in the mirror, and it shall not be offended.

"I alone love the unseen in you."

Then He said in a low voice, "Go away now. If this cypress tree is yours and you would not have me sit in its shadow, I will walk my way."

And I cried to Him and I said, "Master, come to my house. I have incense to burn for you, and a silver basin for your feet. You are a stranger and yet not a stranger. I entreat you, come to my house."

Then He stood up and looked at me even as the seasons might look down upon the field, and He smiled. And He said again: "All men love you for themselves. I love you for yourself."

And then He walked away.

But no other man ever walked the way He walked. Was it a breath born in my garden that moved to the east? Or was it a storm that would shake all things to their foundations?

I knew not, but on that day the sunset of His eyes slew the dragon in me, and I became a woman, I became Miriam, Miriam of Mijdel.


HIS MOUTH WAS like the heart of a pomegranate, and the shadows in His eyes were deep. And He was gentle, like a man mindful of his own strength. In my dreams I beheld the kings of the earth standing in awe in His presence. I would speak of His face, but how shall I? It was like night without darkness, and like day without the noise of day. It was a sad face, and it was a joyous face. And well I remember how once He raised His hand towards the sky, and His parted fingers were like the branches of an elm. And I remember Him pacing the evening. He was not walking. He Himself was a road above the road; even as a cloud above the earth that would descend to refresh the earth. But when I stood before Him and spoke to him, He was a man, and His face was powerful to behold. And He said to me, "What would you, Miriam?" I would not answer Him, but my wings enfolded my secret, and I was made warm. And because I could bear His light no more, I turned and walked away, but not in shame. I was only shy, and I would be alone, with His fingers upon the strings of my heart.


ONCE AGAIN I say that with death Jesus conquered death, and rose from the grave a spirit and a power. And He walked in our solitude and visited the gardens of our passion. He lies not there in that cleft rock behind the stone. We who love Him beheld Him with these our eyes which He made to see; and we touched Him with these our hands which He taught to reach forth. I know you who believe not in Him. I was one of you, and you are many; but your number shall be diminished. Must your break your harp and your lyre to find the music therein? Or must you fell a tree ere you can believe ot bears fruit? You hate Jesus because someone from the North Country said He was the Son of God. But you hate one another because each of you deems himself too great to be the brother of the next man. You hate Him because someone said He was born of a virgin, and not of man's seed. But you know not the mothers who go to the tomb in virginity, nor the men who go down to the grave choked with their own thirst. You know not that the earth was given in marriage to the sun, and that earth it is who sends us forth to the mountain and the desert. There is a gulf that yawns between those who love Him and those who hate Him, between those who believe and those who do not believe. But when the years have bridged that gulf you shall know that He who lived in us is deathless, that He was the Son of God even as we are the children of God; that He was born of a virgin even as we are born of the husbandless earth. It is passing strange that the earth gives not to the unbelievers the roots that would suck at her breast, nor the wings wherewith to fly high and drink, and be filled with the dews of her space. But I know what I know, and it is enough.

May the beauty of your days be always long.